Thursday, May 6, 2010

The stark reality and the big Aim

The Federal Communications Commission , in the first ever test conducted of broadband efficiency in the country found that around one third of population of America doesn’t have any access to broadband services and this it cited as the biggest infrastructural challenge of today’s times.

To make amends, it has submitted the pan to the Congress by which it seeks to provide each and every American broadband service by 2020. The another most optimistic part about this project is that the speed it seeks to provide to the 100+ million population of the country is nothing less than 100mbps. Compare this against the sober speed of 4mega bytes per second and you will realize the gravity of what I am saying or trying to say.

Apparently, the Federal Communication Commission was quite taken aback at the results and thus made a promise to itself and the country of providing every American an access to Broadband service and high speed internet. According to it a service cannot be called as a common medium for communication when it doesn’t cover a substantial portion of the population, 1/3 in the present case.

Federal Communication Commission believes that a high speed and efficient broadband is required for the overall development of the economy and virtually there is no sector or domain that doesn’t require its services. But for some, the statement and the plans by the FCC are a bit too exaggerated and they feel that in addition to broadband or the lack of it, there are other reasons as well for the underperformance of some sectors.

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